Audacious Love

by Laurie Crouch

“Audacity is a combination of guts and glory. It means this: Will you have the guts to give your life completely to the outrageous glory of the Lord Jesus Christ?” — Beth Moore

I can’t tell you how excited I am to welcome my friend Beth Moore to TBN with her new program Living Proof. For those of you who have done one of her Bible studies, or attended a Living Proof Live conference, you know that Beth Moore is passionate about loving Jesus — and about helping women all over the world love Him, too.

And that passion is contagious! I know it from personal experience. Sitting and talking with Beth Moore is like a living illustration of Jesus’ promise that whoever believes in Him, out of their innermost being “will flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38). Whether she is speaking one-on-one, with a small group, or to tens of thousands of women filling a stadium, the words that pour from her heart with passion are living waters of God’s love and mercy.

It’s not difficult to understand why Beth has such a reservoir of that living water deep within her. It’s not because she’s more spiritual than other people, or because she has some special relationship with Jesus that others aren’t entitled to. It’s simply because she has made it her number-one priority to know, love, and glorify Jesus. She calls it loving God “audaciously,” and it’s not just her desire to do that herself, but to see millions of other women — and their families — come to know and love Him audaciously, too.

Each week on Living Proof Beth opens God’s Word and with her unique, personal style brings eternal truths that help us say yes to Jesus — yes to audacious faith, love, and devotion to Him and His Word.

I’m up for that, aren’t you? There’s no greater goal to pursue in life than to love God “with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind…” (Luke 10:27). Join me and countless others across the globe in making 2016 your year of making Jesus, more than ever before, your number-one desire and pursuit in life.

Living Proof With Beth Moore airs every Wednesday at 7 p.m. Pacific (9 p.m. Central, 10 p.m. Eastern), exclusively on TBN.