Let’s Give Thanks!

“O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.” — 1 Chronicles 16:34

Thanksgiving greetings once again from the Crouch family! As another busy holiday season begins, our family has committed to being intentional in our thankfulness to God for all His many blessings.

It’s no secret that America has just been through a particularly contentious election. Many people are anxious and uncertain about the future of our nation. We must remember, however, that while Sam may be our “uncle,” he will never be our father. That title belongs to God, and the good news is that He is still on His throne and totally in control. Even as conflict and uncertainty swirl throughout our world, we can rest assured that His peace and protection will anchor us (Isaiah 26:3). For these blessings alone we can be thankful.

Additionally, there are so many other things we should be grateful for as God’s children: salvation, healing and divine health, His hand of provision, the warmth and security of family and friends, and unending answers to our specific petitions to Him. Each of us can be part of that mighty chorus of God’s children across the earth, declaring every day: “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, and His mercy endures forever!”

For the Crouch family personally, we our especially grateful for our wonderful TBN family — the many individuals and families around the world who partner with us to take the message of God’s hope and grace to untold millions of viewers on every inhabited continent 24 hours a day. From the bottoms of our hearts we thank God for you!

This year, as you celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends, will you join us in a heartfelt and intentional expression of gratefulness to God for His mercy, goodness, and grace? Whatever the circumstances we find ourselves in, God’s Word is clear that we all have plenty to be thankful for. He has promised that He will never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5), and that He is committed to His best for each of us. He alone is worthy of our praise!

May God bless you and yours this Thanksgiving and throughout the Holiday Season,

Matt, Laurie, Caylan, and Cody — the Crouch Family